Happy St. Patrick’s Day

We wrapped up the children's birthdays the day before St. Patrick's Day, which is also my brother's birthday. March is a big month for birthdays in both my and Karson's families. My nephew and father-in-law have their birthdays on the 1st. Ro's is on the 9th. HH celebrates on the 11th. E's birthday is on the 16th, and my husband and his fraternal twin celebrate on the 27th. Additionally, my sister gave birth to her new baby boy at the beginning of the month as well. Indeed, it's a month full of birthdays.
We had a good day on St. Patrick's Day. HH gave a talk at church. Whenever the children volunteer for a talk, Karson or I sit down and go over the week's church lesson. After we discuss the lesson, I'll ask them if there is something they want to say in their talk, or I'll pose questions and then write down their responses to help them write their talk. It doesn't need to be long, but a handful of sentences from their responses is a great way for them to craft their talk. Little children often have the sweetest testimonies about Christ and His gospel.
I was asked about a week ago if I would be part of a musical number trio for an upcoming Easter activity and church meeting. We'll be singing "I Walked Today Where Jesus Walked." We had a song practice once Karson returned from meetings after church.
Some church friends invited us over for Sunday dinner. One of my friends, who hosted us at her home, made some beautiful veggie and fruit trays, rainbow-themed for St. Patrick’s Day. My other friend made tri-tip shepherd's pie and mint chocolate cookies. Karson and I made cornbread muffins and brought corn. Good friends and good food made for a delightful time. Between the three families, we had 11 children, so the kiddos were having a ball. It felt like spring that afternoon. After dinner, Karson took the kiddos home to bed, and I went to the broadcast of the Relief Society devotional. It was very uplifting.
I am excited for spring, especially since the first day of spring is March 18th. I'm looking forward to gardening, warm and sunny backyard gatherings, and non-muddy horses. Additionally, I am eager for backyard picnics and watching the kiddos pick strawberries and raspberries from our plants by the barn.
Have a wonderful week. This week, I felt somewhat overwhelmed with a packed schedule for the next couple of weeks. Visiting a place of worship to pray and ponder helped, as did brain-dumping in my journal and talking with Karson. Keep your head up and keep moving forward, busy bees. 🐝