How To Lead Group Fitness Challenges

How To Lead Group Fitness Challenges

An effective way to gain motivation, accountability, and confidence in your fitness journey is to participate in group fitness challenges.  Whether you lead or participate in a challenge, there is a huge opportunity for personal growth and development. Not only will you be benefited physically, but you will receive social and emotional rewards too. Friendships will be made, goals will be crushed, and a higher level of fitness will be achieved!

“All the flowers of all the tomorrows are in the seeds of today” – Indian Proverb

The Memorial Day Fitness Challenge

In one of my previous posts, Workout Motivation and Goal Setting, I discussed what helps me, personally, stay motivated to work out. When I set specific goals for myself I am significantly more motivated. As a postpartum mom, I need a new challenge to help me regain strength, stamina, and flexibility. Knowing what gets me motivated, I reined in my cowboy husband to compete in a fitness challenge, which includes working out five times a week for at least twenty minutes a day up until May 26th, the Friday before the 2017 Memorial Day weekend. This is an eight-week challenge, starting April 7th and ending May 26th.

Strength in Numbers

Of course, a little healthy competition with my s/o was energizing, but how much better would it be to involve my group of friends and followers on social media? Therefore, I extended the invite to my peers and received messages back that they had accepted my challenge! I created a private Facebook group to run the challenge. Within the group we have:

  • Dailt or weekly check-ins
  • Discussion of goals
  • Reporting to the group if we worked out that day and what we did to exercise
  • Sharing
  • Favorite workouts and healthy recipes
  • Tips on nutrition and fitness
  • Wins and struggles in regard to their fitness journey

Personal Growth and Development

Initially, I was nervous to extend the invitation to others to join my challenge. One thought in particular nagged at me, “What if nobody joins me, how do lead a group fitness challenge?”

Even so, I pushed past those worries as I brainstormed ideas on how to start a group fitness challenge. My excitement and motivation were growing by the minute. As responses poured in from others who were joining my challenge, I could hardly contain my contentment. I was thrilled to have the opportunity to build confidence in myself as I encouraged others to do the same. Leading a group fitness challenge has turned out to be an empowering opportunity for powerful personal development.

Build Others Up

When you lead a group fitness challenge, you are not responsible for others’ success in their fitness journey. However, you have the opportunity to inspire and motivate them to find success while they return the favor by keeping you inspired, motivated, and driven too.

I love using positivity and humor in my posts and responses to my challenge members. Optimism is contagious!  As you lead a group fitness challenge, you have the opportunity to build confidence in others. It is a great way to connect with like-minded people working towards similar goals. I love my #brehealthy tribe and #eatmovelive community!

The Reward

As a reward to my local friends for achieving or trying to complete the challenge, we will all go out for dinner, celebrating the hard work of everyone working towards achieving their fitness goals.

Health and physical fitness are the greatest rewards for accepting and participating in group fitness challenges.

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